MARCH 2023

Please see below the letters sent to parents from school for this month.

  1. FS-Y5 - Timetable for School Day from Sept 2023 - 29.03.23
  2. Y4 - Swimming in Y5 - 29.03.23
  3. WS - Alan Mackenzie E-Safety Update - 28.03.23
  4. FS - Down in the Garden Donation Requests - 28.03.23
  5. Y6 - Easter School 2023 - 28.03.23
  6. WS - SEND Report & SEND Policy Updates - 23.03.23
  7. WS - Green Team Bag2School Initiative - 23.03.23
  8. Y5R - Swimming in Summer Terms - 22.03.23
  9. WS - Alan Mackenzie E-Safety Update - 22.03.23
  10. WS - Advice from LCC re Inappropriate Online Content - 22.03.23
  11. Y5R - Swimming in Summer Terms - 22.03.23
  12. Y2 - SATs Drop-In Sessions - 22.03.23
  13. WS - Football Tournament - Home on 23 Mar - 21.03.23
  14. Y3W - Mrs Withnell - Cancellation of Parent Evening Tonight - 21.03.23
  15. WS - Near Miss - Child Crossing Empingham Road - 21.03.23
  16. Y3R - Miss Rollinson - Cancellation of Parent Evenings - 20.03.23
  17. WS - Alan Mackenzie E-Safety Update - 13.03.23
  18. FSO - Miss Olver - 17.03.23
  19. WS - Easter Garden Competition - 16.03.23
  20. WS - Class Photos on 21 March - 15.03.23
  21. Y56 Choir - Oundle Festival of Music on 27 March - 13.03.23
  22. WS - Acorn Easter Holiday Club 2023 13.03.23
  23. WS - Comic Relief on 17 March - 10.03.23
  24. WS - Green Team Bag2School Initiative - 10.03.23
  25. Y3WC - Change in Parent Evenings (Action Required) - 09.03.23
  26. WS - Severe Weather Procedures - 09.03.23
  27. FS-Y2 - King's Coronation Lunch Clubs - 09.03.23
  28. Y56 - Tag Rugby Tournament at Stamford Rugby Club on 16 Mar - 09.03.23
  29. WS - E-Safety Video 3 - Online Gaming - March 2023
  30. Y6 - Community Dental Services - 08.03.23
  31. FS-Y2 - After School Craft Club - 08.03.23
  32. Y56 - Football - Home vs Bluecoat on 09 Mar - 07.03.23
  33. Y56 - Football - Home vs St George's on 09 Mar - 07.03.23
  34. WS - SEND Provision - 03.03.23
  35. WS - Easter HAF Activities - 03.03.23
  36. WS - Parent Communication - Results of Feedback - 03.03.23
  37. WS - Parent Evenings in March - 03.03.23
  38. WS - Parent Evenings - Booking Instructions - 03.03.23
  39. WS - Prices of School Meals - 03.03.23
  40. WS - Easter HAF - 01.03.23 (3)
  41. WS - Easter HAF - 01.03.23
  42. Y5 - Swimming Continuing Provision - 31.03.23
  43. WS - Newsletter - March 2023