Board of Trustees
School Boards of Trustees are established by law as corporate bodies. Their main responsibility is to determine the aims and overall conduct of the school, with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Trustees are volunteers, all of whom seek to promote the highest standards of education and welfare for the children.
For more information on the school’s Trustees, their role and to read the most recent newsletters please see below. Board minutes are available from the school office click here..
The school, on behalf of the Trustees, issues an annual questionnaire to parents. This is via Ofsted’s ParentView available at https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/login?destination=/give-your-views
If you would like to contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees, please write to:
Mr Ken Swanson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, c/o Malcolm Sargent Primary School, Empingham Road, Stamford, PE9 2SR or by email to Ken.Swanson@malcolmsargent.lincs.sch.uk
Non-parent trustees are selected by request or recommendation and parent trustees are appointed by democratic vote from the parent body.
We are extremely fortunate here at Malcolm Sargent Primary School to be part of a thriving community based in an historic market town on the edge of some of the loveliest countryside in Britain. I was initially associated with the school as a parent and subsequently joined the Board of Trustees (then called the Governing Body) in 1996, becoming Chairman in January 2000. The Trustees, who represent a cross-section of the community, possess an excellent mix of business and commercial skills enabling the school to enjoy a wide range of management expertise. Most importantly, though, they are committed to the continued improvement and development of an already successful school. All the Trustees give generously of their time and knowledge to keep Malcolm Sargent Primary School one of the most respected and well-resourced primary schools in the county.
Mr Ken Swanson, Chair of the Board of Trustees