My name is Miss Kelly Scott, and I am head of PE here at Malcolm Sargent. I am so passionate about Physical Education and see it as an essential part of my own life - keeping not only my body healthy, but my mind too. I strongly believe that all children should take part in some form of daily exercise for at least 30mins a day. Whether this is walking to school, a PE lesson, running around at lunchtime & playtimes or an after-school activity. Therefore, here at Malcolm Sargent we have ingrained the following aims, taken from the National Curriculum and our PE Champion Scheme, into our culture to ensure your child receives at least 2hrs of PE a week & encouraged to exercise for at least 30minutes per day.
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives.
So, for me, although PE might be 2hrs a week on our timetable – its values are also carried out every day in other lessons and break times and is fundamental in your child’s physical development and mental wellbeing. For example, our Lunchtime Supervisor, Miss Blades, ensures a wide range of activities are set up at playtime and lunchtimes – all supported by our passionate and trained support staff. We also have our specialist Sport coaches, Mr Keenan and Mr Kavanagh offering lunchtime clubs, training and mini-competition for those who wish to challenge themselves even further. Finally, in subjects such as PSHE, DT & Science, we will discuss the importance of a balanced diet & physical exercise and how these areas impact both our bodies and our mental health. As a result, PE is much more than just a one-off subject, it develops skills, knowledge and language that can be applied daily and throughout your child’s Malcolm Sargent journey.
In our LTP (Long Term Plan) below you can see the different units covered throughout your child’s Malcolm Sargent PE journey. You can see the broad range of skills covered in a half-termly basis which link with our skills & knowledge progression map which can also be found at the bottom of this PE page.
Please note how much emphasis is put on developing multi-skills in EYFS & KS1, before transferring these skills into sport specific skills in KS2. Ensuring children ‘master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination’ is essential before they ‘apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement’ in KS2 as seen on the National Curriculum aims here
By the end of Y6, your child should be a ‘PE Champion’, having completed and learnt a wide range of skills, sports and knowledge. We expect confident, healthy & well-rounded individuals who have practiced, performed/ competed & evaluated throughout their time here before they head off to secondary school.
Our PE scheme provides the structure for our learning - ensuring a spiral of skills and knowledge, which is built on year after year so that each year group has a good understanding of what has already been taught and what is next. See the below for our skills and knowledge progression document which details the coverage in each key stage.
If you have any queries about our PE curriculum at Malcolm Sargent, or feel you have a particular PE skill/knowledge and would like to volunteer your time to run an assembly or workshop, contact us on enquires@malcolmsargent.lincs.sch.uk or 01780 756056.